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This Site

During the development of this site my top priority was to KISS as much as possible (by which we of course mean Keep It Simple & Safe), so that the pages are easy to navigate, loaded quickly and rendered properly.

Design & Appearance

In order to observe the above objective, the following provisions were made:

  • Only the 216 browser-safe colors are used in all object colors and self-made non-photo images. (A diligent study showed that these "web-safe" colors are no longer that important in a world where monitors with 24-bit color support are widespread, and the colors are down-right unsafe when mapped to a 16-bit generic palette. Nevertheless, this convention vastly reduced my color search space, which I very much appreciated. :-) )
  • Style sheet solutions are used in place of deprecated HTML attributes [as much as I could manage; probably some pesky anachronisms still seeped through - old habits are hard to kick...].
  • The pages should be friendly to text resizing [particularly magnification]; all metrics are provided relative to font size.
  • While JavaScript support is not crucial for navigation, it is very much recommended for a good browsing experience.


The links on this site are coded with the following scheme:

  • link (<) or link (>): The link's target is within the page; the arrow indicates the target's relative position [except in trivial context, such as "Contents" listings].
  • link: The link's target is within the site.
  • link: The link's target is on a different website.

This scheme may seem a bit nitpicky at first, but it does increase clarity significantly. Clickable images also follow the above coloring scheme for the border of the image.

The "alt" vs. "title" Attributes in "<img>" Elements

The following scheme is applied consistently, based on my best understanding of the HTML-community's philosophy with respect to these attributes:

  • "alt" attribute: Added to all meaningful images; its purpose is to give a hint [in the form of the replacement text] about the meaning of the image for text-only renditions.
  • "title" attribute: Added only to images, where further clarification or emphasis is desired regarding about the meaning of the image.

Older versions of certain browsers [most notably those of Internet Exploder] also display the contents of "alt" attributes as tooltips, in the absence of a "title" attribute. However, his behavior has been rectified in all browsers I'm aware of.

Copyrights & Credits

All material on this website is copyrighted, i.e., it cannot be copied without the author's written consent.

The cute little icons in the page-end menu are the work of Dirceu Veiga (FastIcon Studio); they were discovered on IconArchive.com.

Contacting Me

I can be best contacted through email sent to the address below. (Click on the image, and remove the junk characters from the email address appearing in the "To:" field.) You can also check out my LinkedIn profile.

Email me My LinkedIn profile

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